About us

GuruScan was born at Canon R&D. For the first time, we solved the core Knowledge Management challenge of finding the knowledge you need for your job. GuruScan spun out of Canon in 2009. In more than a decade since then, we learned from all customer engagements. All those learnings have added to our current set of solutions. GuruScan’s solutions are strongly rooted in science, from business to anthropology, but have all been proven in business environments and application. Guruscan believes in the unique knowledge and potential of all knowledge workers. We can help you to maximize your output by connecting people and knowledge.

Bart Verheijen

Hans Slijp

Prof. Dr. Ir. Mathieu Weggeman

Ad Bastiaansen

Shortly after the start of the company we met with our prime ambassador, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mathieu Weggeman.   GuruScans advisory board guides the strategic direction of the company. It serves as a sparring partner, advisor and connector to support the growth ambition of the company. The advisory board has three members.  Besides Prof. Dr. Ir. Mathieu Weggeman, we have a wide range of backgrounds and experience with Ad Bastiaansen and Hans Slijp. If knowledge is key to your organization’s success, we support your strategic development.