GuruScan update – January 2023

In this post, you will find some of the latest updates from the GuruScan team.

Lecture at Radboud University

Especially after some years of mainly online lectures, it was extra special to be back at Bart´s alma mater Radboud University for a lecture on knowledge management.


Open Knowledge Booster sessions

We have scheduled the next three Open Knowledge Booster sessions that you can now sign-up for:

This session will give you a hands-on experience in using the GuruScan knowledge network technology and will be an interactive workshop. Keep an eye on our website for other dates.

“I enjoyed it so much more than just watching a demo; getting my hands on your software and experiencing how it works first hand was so much better!
I definitely understand what it does now and can better keep it in mind for my clients in the future.”

Stephanie Barnes (Radical KM Consultant)

Featured Article on MarketingFacts

Bart also wrote an article for Marketingfacts on the quality (or lack thereof…) of AI-generated content for marketing purposes. If you want to know what he thinks on AI content, make sure to read this post (in Dutch).

Use case – retirement analysis

With our technology, a large variety of knowledge management problems can be solved. In this newsletter, we will highlight one such use case, but on our website, you can find many more examples.

Job to be done: a large group of employees would retire soon, top management wanted to know if any core experts were in this retiree group.

Approach: We ran a bottom-up knowledge inquiry using the GuruScan knowledge a

pp and included the age information to the individual experts in our technology. The resulting knowledge graph had more than 400 knowledge topics and close to 1000 experts (also outside the department).

Result: Guruscan found the core experts in strategic knowledge topics. Knowledge redundancy was achieved by implementing an HR retaining strategy for their surrounding colleagues.

New feature – Notifications

We introduced small nudges upon logging in to GuruScan. In the lower-right corner, you will see a brief message to guide you to the next best activity for you. There is a general scheme that asks for profile information first and knowledge network later. Customers can fine-tune the suggestions to suit their strategic objectives.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how we work, we are always happy to have a (virtual) coffee, schedule a 30minute meeting here.

See you next time!



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