Who benefits from Guruscan?

If you rate the way colleagues and employees share knowledge with a 9 or higher, you don't need us.
If not, continue reading…

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Who benefits from Guruscan?

If you rate the way colleagues and employees share knowledge with a 9 or higher, you don't need us.
If not, continue reading…

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The pragmatic principles of Knowledge sharing from our perspective are quite simple;

  • Knowledge happens best just at the right time

  • Knowledge sharing is a Competitive Advantage

  • Knowledge sharing connects across functions and locations

  • Knowledge sharing creates a culture of learning

For you as a team leader…

we provide deep insight into your team’s knowledge so that you can optimally allocate them to the projects/ tasks at hand.

For you as an HR director…

we find out what knowledge and skills all employees have so that you can prepare the organization for the knowledge intensive future.

For onboarding a new colleague…

we bring you quickly up to speed in the company or network, by providing a search engine into who knows what.

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For you as a project leader…

we give insight into the knowledge within your project so that you can see that you am not missing any critical or relevant knowledge.



Insight in our hidden knowledge is very valuable for our business processes.



it was a pleasure to be on the GuruScan Open Workshop with you today! I'm clearly interested in GuruScan.



Bart introduced me to your sevices, and I am in awe. Absolutely amazing!!



Door de gemiddelde leeftijd in mijn team maakte ik me zorgen over de kennis die zou vertrekken. Het kennisnetwerk van GuruScan gaf me waardevolle inzichten in de risico's, Daar kon ik dan ook tijdig op anticiperen. Geweldig!



Met het resultaat zijn onverwachte linkjes gelegd! Bijvoorbeeld voor de Nationale Politie bij het in kaart brengen van het landelijk kennisnetwerk rondom drugsafval!



Mooi concept is GuruScan!



I really like Guruscan’s approach and Bart’s passion and knowledge.



Excellent resource. As a newer employee regarding usage for my work.

Meet the team

Meet the team

Right to left:
Tejasvi Chaudhari - UX Guru
Bart Verheijen - Inspiration Guru
Renzo Slijp - Development Guru
Maurice ten Tije - Managing Guru

Right to left:
Tejasvi Chaudhari - UX Guru
Bart Verheijen - Inspiration Guru
Renzo Slijp - Development Guru
Maurice ten Tije - Managing Guru

Guruscan B.V. | info@guruscan.nl | Amsterdam